RDPP Meat Trays

raw meat inside of a white meat tray in the grocery store

RDPP Meat Trays

The sustainable solution for fresh meat and produce packaging.

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Collage of 4 images showing a raw meat in RDPP meat trays, Recycleware logo, and ARP recognized logo

Recyclable* Meat Trays

Recognized by the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) as meeting the highest criteria in the APR Design® Guide for Plastics Recyclability.

Processor Grade
Reinforced rims and designed to run on existing high-speed processor lines with the ability to vacuum skin pack and lid seal.

Vertically Integrated
Extruded, thermoformed and padded in our facilities. Available in many standard sizes, both pre-padded or without absorbent pads; custom sizes available.

*Check locally, may not be recyclable in your area

Drop-in ready!

RDPP trays run well on existing overwrap equipment

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